Friday, April 10, 2015

Economist of the Day

Yvan Loubier

Born: April 10th, 1959

Died: N.A.

Summary: A Canadian Politician and Economist. He is one of the founders of the Bloc Québécois, a federalist political party that strives to represent Quebec’s interests in the Canadian parliament, and establish Quebec as an independent nation. He served as a representative in the Canadian parliament with the Bloc Québécois from 1994 to 2007. While in parliament, he served as chair of Canada’s Subcommittee on Fiscal Imbalance. He has worked towards the development of the Romaine River Hydroelectric power plant. He has also worked toward increased opportunity and better living conditions for Canada’s indigenous peoples. Prior to his career as a politician, he served as a consultant on trade and economic policy. He currently works at “National”, a public relations and counseling firm. He advises others on energy, mining, forestry, and food processing. He has written frequently for newspapers La Presse and Le Soleil.

Notable WorksLa détermination des assurances collectives au Canada (The Determination of Canadian Group Insurance) Structure and economic importance of the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing sector: Highlights from 1970 to 1981

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